Home Repair Estimates for Anyone

Property Buyer
Negotiate like a Pro and save thousands during negotiations - instant upload and fast 24 hour turnaround.

Real Estate Agent
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Property Inspector
Add value to every inspection by answering one simple question your clients want to know, “How much will that cost to fix?”

We understand that negotiating property prices and repairs after a home inspection can be difficult. You want to get the best possible price on the home you intend to purchase, and you want to make sure you get the essential items taken care of. So, why not work with a leading online home inspection and negotiation service? We created the ultimate home inspection cost calculator to make sure you can negotiate faster and smarter for the repairs you need.

Tight deadlines can cause contracts to fall apart, which is why we guarantee that our home inspection cost estimates will be delivered in 24HRS or less. Helping reduce stress and giving you more time to negotiate.

Knowledge is power, and our zip code-specific pricing gives you a rock-solid tool to use during a negotiation. We offer practical home inspection repair solutions used by top agents across the US.

We use more than just intelligent software. Every online property inspection report goes through a thorough 3-stage human review process to make sure we’re right on the money.
Frequently Asked Questions:
To answer this question, we suggest you click the link below and read the WHOLE article. We dived deep into data on over 15,000 reports to give you information on what is common or normal on a home inspection, and what is not.
Now, this doesn’t mean that just because something is common that you shouldn’t be concerned about it. In fact, the #1 item on there was a great cause for concern.
We just want you to know that most homes are not perfect, so you shouldn’t run away from a home just because you see something you have not encountered before. You can trust Repair Pricer to guide you through home repair costs.
Interestingly, if you are paying cash or using a conventional loan, none! This of course depends on what your lender knows about the house, and if something has been shared with them that was discovered on an appraisal. (It also ties into question 3 below).
Now on a 203K loan, or even a VA or FHA loan they may actually require a copy of your inspection report and demand that deficiencies on certain items (roof, foundation etc.) be remedied before they close the loan.
This is not to be difficult, but these are MAJOR home repair costs and they do not want to underwrite a loan on a home that is not safe for the homeowner.
If your lender requires you to share your inspection report as a loan condition (make sure you ask!), then you will just have to abide by their guidelines.
This is a tricky question. Personally I don’t know of any home warranty company that requires this, but I know almost ALL will ask specifically to see it.
They’ll want to analyze all home repair costs. What they are looking for are pre-existing conditions on the home that may allow them to deny a claim further down the line. So it’s really up to you if you decide to share it.
Remember, the inspection report belongs to YOU, not the seller, not your agent or the inspector, YOU. This is why although we are required to keep certain records for legal reasons, we will not share your personal information with anyone, nor give your report to anyone without your permission.
As far as your lender, just ask them, “Is it a condition of my loan approval?”. If it is, then you have to decide if you want to move ahead with that lender and share it, or look for another source. Remember, if it’s a VA or FHA loan of a certain type you may be required to share it. If anyone does insist on seeing a report however, see if they will accept your Repair Pricer repair estimate instead. It’s essentially a home inspection checklist that includes estimates and is not a disclosure document.
This is a GREAT question, and a lot of it will depend on the repairs themselves and also your financial situation. We ALWAYS recommend getting any repairs that affect the safety of the home’s occupants before you move in, so normally this would be the sellers’ responsibility. These would include things like:
- Smoke, carbon monoxide and radon detectors
- Gas leaks
- Electrical faults or issues – especially with hot panels or incorrect wiring
- Broken or missing door and window locks
- Faulty garage door sensors
Essentially anything that could cause a safety or health issue. Remember that when you write a repair amendment to have the seller fix anything, always state “receipts to be provided” and also “work to be performed only by a contractor licensed to perform these specific repairs.”
Sometimes, however, you find larger home repair costs that don’t necessarily pose a risk but that could make life very uncomfortable for you if they were to fail – think HVAC, water heater etc.
If an item is at the end of its serviceable life however, are you going to repair it or replace it with a new model? Personally we recommend taking a credit (price reduction, closing cost assistance increase) and then upgrading the faulty item to one of your choosing after you move in.
Just put that money towards the upgraded system and reap the benefits of a more efficient and longer lasting home.
That’s where we come in. Our home repair cost estimator makes it EASY to turn any home inspection report into a highly accurate repair estimate so you can negotiate home price after an inspection.
Simply upload your report to our home inspection cost calculator, and within 24 hours we’ll have a detailed estimate of repairs back to you so you can negotiate the house price or for repairs after your inspection.